We had an amazing Christmas. The look on Hayleigh's face when she saw a bike from Santa. It was truely priceless. We could have made one of those credit card commercials. Hayleigh loved everything that she got and Addyson just wanted to rip the paper. We were truely blessed. Our church had a Christmas Eve service; after the service we came home and left our Santa cookies out and feed the reindeer. We started having our bedtime prayer time and Hayleigh said, "Thank You for Jesus being our Saber". That was all I needed for Christmas. My three year old understands everything @ a three year old level.
A quick look back at 2008. This was a great year for us. Addyson started walking and turned 1. We took our first family vacation to Myrtle Beach. Hayleigh turned to 3. Johnny and I took our first mission trip to Haiti. These five things were definetly the highlights of my year. I met Richie and Gamael in Haiti and still think about them daily. I love these two children like they are my own. Hayleigh prays for them everyday and loves to look at there pictures.
Now a look to the future. I pray and hope that 2009 will be as a rewarding year as last. I want to try to make a few hopes and dreams for the coming year. I would like to lose at least 40 more pounds. I would love to adopt a Haitian child. These are my "BIG" dreams for the coming year. On a more realistic hope I would love to pray as pure prayers as Hayleigh. They are the sweetest and most innocent prayers I have ever heard. I would also like to be a more patient mother and wife. I love the 3 people that I live with the most, but they get my worst moods it seems. I am trying on this really hard. I want to spend more time with God. I would also like to listen more and talk less with all of friends and family. I want to not compare myself to them, but to truely listen whole heartedly.
Thanks for reading. On a little side note, I would enjoy a few prayers for my shoulder. It started hurting few weeks ago and keeps getting worse. I went to a chiropractor today and he thinks that it is in my joints. It scares me to think that at the age of 28 I could have early arthritis. I want to be able to play with my kids and enjoy them. I hate hurting. Please pray that it will heal and that it is not the worst option. I go to a different doctor on Wednesday and we will see what they have to say. I will keep everyone posted and thank you in advance for any prayers that come my way.
Love you all.